
DDNikki / Webrings

I keep joining things out of impulse. This feeds into it. (Not like that's a bad thing...)
Send me things to join/put here on my guestbook or in the Nekoweb Discord.

Every webring I'm in. Maybe I might get kicked out,
because despite my age I have drawn gore once. I think.

If you follow me I will put your button. If I find your site I might put your button.
I need to resist my urge to add buttons. Please send me more buttons.

Nekoweb Districts Status Cafe The Cassandra Zone

(I kept wanting to put the Cassandra Zone button. Implying I am a different entity...)

I have no idea where to put this.
The closest I will ever get to a real Nyu-Tama.

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!