DDNikki: Interactives

DDNikki / Other Projects / Games & Interactive Crap

Every game / interactive thing I made.
There's not enough of either to separate it...

Dream Diary

This is only here because I'm gonna make this
a full list of projects. Including front-page.

Nikki's Nightmares

A Dream Diary spinoff game about you as Nikki
having a horrible lucid dream about whatever.
Choose your own adventure!!!

Shelved at the moment.


An artstyle with a website.
Also, had a game made randomly. That's literally it.

The Newgrounds Idea Generator

The worst dream I ever had about Newgrounds.
Featuring TV Tropes!

Functional, but I still can't code
even if my life depended on it.

Contains spoilers!

Newgrounds Pufworld

It's exactly what it sounds like.
(There does exist a Nikki Puf,
I just don't want to bring it over.)

A Bunch of Old Scratch Projects

A ZIP file of every Scratch project
I made in the distant past,
at least the ones that survived.
Warning, very embarassing.